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Fertility Center Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV
Posted now
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Job Description
FCLV seeks a Strategic Planner
Work with the marketing department based on infertility data analysis & industry trends, determining new plans to promote FCLV worldwide, use media to build & sustain good relationships between FCLV & clients via planned publicity campaigns & PR activities, execute special events, maintain FCLV’s Cl, & handle its communication with the public, including clients, investors & other media specialists, create marketing & promotional materials, develop & deliver e marketing campaigns, media relations content, corporate newsletter content, social media & website content, incl measuring & evaluating online & print communications, monitoring success & suggesting improvements, build & maintain databases of Chinese clients.
Requirements: M.S. in Professional Communications or related, fluent in Chinese.
Work Location: 8851 W Sahara Ste. 100, Las Vegas, NV 89117.
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Source: https://www.careerbuilder.com/job/J3S2WK78M8W1MY9JQ79?ipath=rss