Home Modifications Accessibility Designer – UDS Foundation – Lancaster, PA

Complete Home/Person evaluation by assessing individual’s personal functional abilities and the home’s adaptability to ADA code compliance.
a) Assess customer’s mobility and general functional abilities, including the likely progression of their disability and its effect on their future functional abilities.
b) Assesses medical reports and documentation, physician
recommendations, evaluations and test results, and verifies any mobility of physical function by observing consumer in their home and evaluating their physical functional abilities.
c) Complete project site survey and measurement of rooms, areas, fixtures an structure to be potentially altered by a home modification.
d) Create dimensional hand drawings of structure and assess all building components and infrastructure of both residential houses and commercial apartment units for code compliance and general state of repair, including but not limited to: codes, deferred maintenance, lead, mold, asbestos, septic/sewer issues, structural concerns.
e) Use knowledge of Building and ADA construction codes to identify and propose accessibility solutions which maximize the individual’s health and safety
f) Combine structural and personal function assessments to create written assessment and recommendations for accessibility accommodations to individual’s home to be used by grant makers, Medicaid waiver providers and insurance companies to determine benefit eligibility
g) Demonstrate knowledge of and sensitivity toward various limitations that may accompany the aging process and/or various physical, cognitive, and sensory disabilities.
h) Maintain knowledge of mobility devices and medical equipment and structural requirements of a home to accommodate those devices

Manage Proposal Production
a) Maintains paper file of all assessment documents, proposals, product information, photos, contracts, sign off forms and all other documentation related to proposal development
b) Digitizes all documentations and organizes in department electronic file system
c) Manages proposal development process, ensures completion of proposal elements according to established time frames, and works with other team members to facilitate their portions of bid production
d) Responsible for final presentation of proposal to consumer and obtaining approval sign off and contract signatures
e) Works with Landlords to obtain contract signatures

To Apply to this job Please go to website address given in Source below
Source: https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?t=Home+Modification+Accessibility+Designer&c=UDS+Foundation&l=Lancaster,+PA&jk=63a7802a83af68fe&rtk=1cvafagudg0b8800&from=rss