Primary Care Physician Assistants Needed Immediately (Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Long Island)

SEVERAL IMMEDIATE OPEN POSITIONS for Full-Time and/or Part-Time Physician Assistants to provide clinical support for home health wellness visits.

These positions are VERY LOW STRESS, LOW RESPONSIBILITY AND DO NOT REQUIRE BEING ON-CALL. Position entails the physician assistant performing medical examinations, conduct and evaluate interval history and physicals, and to intermittently obtain and interpret lab tests; all ensuring comprehensive care. Leadership skills, strong communication skills, team player and strong interpersonal skills is very important. Applicant must be able to work independently with full support available from MD. The supervising MD has several years of experience working with physician assistants, and is a very knowledgeable and supportive supervisor.

VERY COMPETITIVE COMPENSATION. A willingness to travel, as travel would be involved; with ALL TRAVEL COSTS COVERED. ONLY serious candidates need apply.

Please submit your RESUME/CV WITH CONTACT INFORMATION with cover letter with salary expectations asap.

PRINCIPALS ONLY. Recruiters, please DO NOT contact this job post.

To Apply to this job Please go to website address given in Source below